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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions that we are asked by our customers.
If you don't find the answer to your question please get in touch.

How do I get an ashes collection kit?

How much ashes will I need for a piece of jewellery?

How can I be sure that my LifeStone™ contains the ashes of my loved one?

Will my jewellery be waterproof?

How do I transfer the ashes into my ash holding jewellery?

What are the LifeStones™ made of exactly?

Can you use my pets ashes in your jewellery?

Can i have 2 sets of ashes in one ring/pendant?

Can we visit and order in person?

Will the contents of my Ash Holding Pendant be secure?

What happens if I change my mind?

I want to place a large order; do you offer discounts?

Im looking for a colour that you do not have, can you help?

What are your security measures whilst ashes are in your care?